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Desktop and web wallet (LDPoS Wallet)


LDPoS Wallet is a desktop and web browser application for browsing and interacting with the Capitalisk blockchain - It also supports other blockchains built with Capitalisk's LDPoS technology.

Hosted web wallet

Official web interface: The hosted web wallet also acts as a block explorer.


Official binaries for various operating systems can be found on github: These binaries aren't signed as of yet.

Desktop wallet

Download and run from source on your PC:

CLI client (LDPoS Commander)


LDPoS Commander is an interactive command line (CLI) client for browsing and interacting with the Capitalisk blockchain - It also supports other blockchains built with Capitalisk's LDPoS technology. Because LDPoS uses a stateful signature scheme over a stateful WebSocket connection, LDPoS commander is interactive. Once LDPoS Commander is connected and authenticated, it's possible to issue multiple commands without having to re-authenticate each time.

Installation steps

  1. Make sure that you have Node.js installed (version v14.16.0 minimum) - You can install it from the following website:
  2. Run the following command in your bash terminal: npm install -g ldpos-commander


To launch the ldpos-commander client, run the following command in your terminal:


You can also add a --help flag (non-interactively) to get a list of all available commands and options (both interactive and non-interactive).

After the interactive session has been started, you can get the full list of available commands using the help command.
